Eagle Harbor Yacht Club welcomes visiting boaters from reciprocal yacht clubs to Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, just 6 miles west of Seattle across the Puget Sound. Bainbridge Island has a rich history of lumber mills, sailing and power boat construction, and even strawberry farms! Today Eagle Harbor is a busy recreational and commercial harbor that is just a few minutes walk from downtown Winslow with its interesting shops and fine restaurants.

For reciprocal moorage details and amenities please refer to this website:
Yacht Destinations and select Eagle Harbor Yacht Club of Bainbridge Island.
Upon arriving in the middle Harbor (west green buoy No.5) please contact the Winslow Wharf Marina (206) 842-4202 or VHF CH9- located on the north side of the harbor at “4” on the above chart.
Visiting boats may otherwise moor at the City Dock or the Linear Moorage, or alternatively anchor within the area shown on the map in the Middle Harbor.
Vessels may not anchor north of Prichard Park due to the Super Fund Cap in place there. Vessels may anchor or moor in the inner harbor only with the permission of the tideland owners in that area.
The Speed Limit in all of Eagle Harbor is 5 knots / No Wake starting west of the green buoy No.5 near the ferry terminal. The only exception to this regulation is that powered, wakeless support boats for rowing shells are allowed for coaching and safety reasons. Visiting boaters should keep a careful watch for theses rowing shells, as well as kayakers and summer dinghy sailing classes.
Ferries: Unlike most harbors, boaters are advised to stay west and south of the ferries as they enter, keeping close to green dolphins Nos.1 & 3, and then green buoy No.5. Ferries have right-of-way as they enter or leave Eagle Harbor.
All of us at the Eagle Harbor Yacht Club hope that you enjoy your visit to Bainbridge Island!